Party Constitutions and Statutes from Around the World
This website contains party constitutions and statutes from 20 parliamentary democraices. Most of these informed the data collection for my book manuscript, Inside Parties. Note: some statutes are not yet inventoried here. And, a number of parties also have separate documents for rules governing specific activities, such as candidate selection. These are also not uploaded here, but you can email me to see if I have a copy. Also, if you have a copy of party constitutions or statutes that are not included here that you would like to contribute, please send them to me by email, and I’ll upload them to this website. Thanks!
- Australian Labor Party. Australian Labor Party, National Constitution of the ALP. Approved 2004.
- Australian Labor Party. ALP National Constitution. Approved July, 2015.
- Australian Labor Party. Australian Labor Party, National Constitution. Approved December, 2018.
- Liberal Party. Liberal Party of Australia, Federal Constitution. Approved October, 1974 (last amended 1999).
- Liberal Party. Liberal Party of Australia, Federal Constitution. Approved October, 1974 (last amended 2009).
- Liberal Party. Liberal Party of Australia, Federal Constitution. Approved 2017.
- Die Grünen/Die Grüne Alternative. Satzungen der Partei, Die Grünen. Approved January, 2004.
- Die Grünen/Die Grüne Alternative. Satzungen der Partei, Die Grünen. Approved February, 1987 (last amended 2015).
- Die Grünen/Die Grüne Alternative. Satzungen der Partei, Die Grünen. Approved June, 2021.
- Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs. Bundes Organisations-Statut, Satzungen der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ) - Die Freiheitlichen. Approved 1957 (last amended 2005).
- Österreichische Volkspartei. Das Bundespartei-Organisationsstatut der Österreichischen Volkspartei. Approved April, 1999.
- Österreichische Volkspartei. Bundespartei-Organisationsstatut der Österreichischen Volkspartei. Approved May, 2015.
- Österreichische Volkspartei. Das Bundespartei-Organisationsstatut der Österreichischen Volkspartei. Approved May, 2022.
- Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs. Das SPÖ Organisationsstatut. Approved October, 1998 (last amended 2004).
- Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs. Das SPÖ Organisationsstatut. Approved October, 1998 (last amended 2014).
- Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs. Das Neue Organisationsstatut. Approved June, 2021.
- Christen-Democratisch en Vlaams. Opdrachtverklaring Vlaamse Christen-Democraten. Approved May, 2009. (Other years not digitized.)
- Mouvement Réformateur. Le Mouvement Reformateur Statuus. Approved March, 2005.
- Mouvement Réformateur. Statuts du MR. Approved September, 2021.
- Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten. De VLD - Statuten. Approved 1993 (last amended 2002).
- Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten. De VLD - Statuten Approved 1993 (last amended 2004).
- Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten. Open VLD-Statuten. Approved March, 2011.
- Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten. Open VLD Reglement. Approved February, 2013.
- Open Vlaamse Liberalen en Democraten. De Open VLD-Statuten. Approved April, 2022.
- Parti Socialiste. Statuts du Parti Socialiste. Approved December, 2000.
- Parti Socialiste. Statuts du Parti Socialiste. Approved March, 2022.
- Socialistische Partij Anders. Statuten; De statuten van sp.a, zoals goedgekeurd door het congres van 22 november 2002. Approved November, 2002.
- Spirit (former coalition partner to SP.a). Statuten van Spirit. Approved September, 2004.
- Bloc Québécois. Constitution The Bloc. Approved April, 2003.
- Bloc Québécois. Statuts du Bloc Québécois. Approved 2005.
- Bloc Québécois. Statuts et Reglements du Bloc Québécois. Approved 2014.
- Bloc Québécois. Statuts et Reglements du Bloc Québécois. Approved 2019.
- Conservative Party. Conservative Party of Canada Constitution. Approved March, 2005.
- Conservative Party. Conservative Party of Canada Constitution. Approved November, 2013.
- Conservative Party. Conservative Party of Canada Constitution. Approved May, 2016.
- Conservative Party. Conservative Party of Canada Constitution. Approved March, 2021.
- Liberal Party. Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada as amended at the 2000 Biennial Convention. Approved 2000.
- Liberal Party. Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada as amended at the 2005 Biennial Convention. Approved September, 2005.
- Liberal Party of Canada. Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada. Approved April, 2014.
- Liberal Party. Constitution of the Liberal Party of Canada. Approved April, 2021.
- New Democratic Party. Constitution of the New Democratic Party. Approved January, 2003.
- New Democratic Party. Constitution of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Approved April, 2013.
- New Democratic Party. Constitution of the New Democratic Party of Canada. Approved February, 2018.
- Dansk Folkeparti. Vedtægter Dansk Folkepartis Landsorganisation. Approved September, 2006.
- Dansk Folkeparti. Vedtægter for Dansk Folkepartis Landsorganisation. Approved September, 2022.
- Det Konservative Folkeparti. Vedtægter For De Konservative. Approved February, 1916 (last amended September, 2012).
- Det Konservative Folkeparti. Vedtægter For De Konservative. Approved February, 1916 (last amended November, 2015).
- Det Konservative Folkeparti. Vedtægter Det Konservative Folkeparti. Approved September, 2021.
- Socialdemokratiet. Love. Approved September, 2005.
- Socialdemokratiet. Love 2012-2016. Approved September, 2012.
- Socialdemokratiet. Love for Socialdemokratiet. Approved September, 2021.
- Venstre. Venstres Vedtægter. Approved November, 2006.
- Kansallinen Kokoomus. Kansallinen Kokoomus R.P:N Säännöt. Approved September, 2012.
- Kavnsallinen Kokoomus. Kansallinen Kokoomus R.P:N Säännöt. Approved September, 2020.
- Suomen Keskusta. Suomen Keskuta r.p.: n Säännöt. Approved June, 1998.
- Suomen Keskusta. Suomen Keskuta r.p.: n Säännöt. Approved 2014.
- Suomen Keskusta. Suomen Keskuta r.p.: n Säännöt. Approved 2022.
- Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue. Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti SDP r.p. Säännöt. Approved June, 2002.
- Suomen Sosialidemokraatinen Puolue. Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti SDP r.p. Säännöt. Approved May, 2014.
- Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puolue. Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Puole Finlands Socialdemokratiska Parti r.p. Säännöt. Approved August, 2020.
- Vasemmistoliitto. Vasemmistoliitto, Säännöt. Approved May, 2004.
- Vasemmistoliitto. Vasemmistoliitto, Säännöt. Approved June, 2016.
- Vasemmistoliitto. Vasemmistoliitto, Säännöt. Approved June, 2022.
- Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. Grüne Regeln. Approved 2003.
- Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. Grüne Regeln. Approved March, 2015.
- Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. Grüne Regeln. Approved October, 2022.
- Christlich Demokratische Union. Statut der CDU Deutschlands. Approved January, 2005.
- Christlich Demokratische Union. Statutenbroschüre der CDU Deutschlands. Approved December, 2014. 120 pages.
- Christlich Demokratische Union. Statutenbroschüre der CDU Deutschlands. Approved February, 2019. 132 pages.
- Die Linke. Bundessatzung. Approved June, 2007.
- Die Linke. Bundessatzung. Approved June, 2007 (last amended May, 2014).
- Die Linke. Bundessatzung. Approved June, 2022.
- Freie Demokratische Partei. Bundessatzung der Freien Demokratischen Partei. Approved May, 2002 (last amended June, 2004).
- Freie Demokratische Partei. Bundessatzung der Freien Demokratischen Partei. Approved May, 2002 (last amended May, 2015).
- Freie Demokratische Partei. Bundessatzung der Freien Demokratischen Partei. Approved April, 2022.
- Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. Organisationsstatut, Wahlordnung, Schiedsordnung, Finanzordnung. Approved March, 2004.
- Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. Satzung. Approved December, 2015.
- Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands. Organisationsstatut. Approved December, 2021.
- Néa Dimokratía. Statute of the Party, Statute of Nea Demokratia. Approved April, 2001.
- Néa Dimokratía. ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΤΙΚΟ ΤΗΣ ΝΕΑΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑΣ. Approved May, 2022.
- Panellínio Sosialistikó Kínima. Καταστατικό ΠΑΣΟΚ. Approved March, 2005.
- Panellínio Sosialistikó Kínima. Καταστατικό ΠΑΣΟΚ. Approved June, 2015.
- Panellínio Sosialistikó Kínima. Καταστατικό ΠΑΣΟΚ. Approved June, 2022.
- Framsóknarflokkurinn. Lög Framsóknarflokksins. Approved March, 2005.
- Framsóknarflokkurinn. Lög Framsóknarflokksins. Approved 2022.
- Samfylkingin. Lög Samfylkingarinnar. Approved ~2006 (date unsure).
- Samfylkingin-jafnaðarflokkur Íslands. Lög Samfylkingarinnar jafnaðarmannaflokks Íslands. Approved October, 2022.
- Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn. Skipulagsreglur Sjálfstæðisflokksins. Approved May, 1979 (last amended March, 2003).
- Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn. Skipulagsreglur Sjálfstæðisflokksins. Approved May, 1979 (last amended March, 2015).
- Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn. Skipulagsreglur Sjálfstæðisflokksins. Approved November, 2022.
- Fianna Fáil. Córú. Approved 1944. (hard copy)
- Fianna Fáil. Córú agus Rialacha. Approved 1983.
- Fianna Fáil. Córú agus Rialacha. Approved 2003. (hard copy)
- Fianna Fáil. Córú agus Rialacha. Approved 2008. (hard copy)
- Fianna Fáil. Córú agus Rialacha. Approved 2016.
- Fine Gael. Constitution and Rules. Approved 1996 (last amended 2002).
- Fine Gael. Constitution and Rules. Approved August, 2014.
- Páirtí an Lucht Oibre. Constitution of the Labour Party. Approved May, 2005.
- Páirtí an Lucht Oibre. Constitution of the Labour Party. Approved March, 2015.
- Páirtí an Lucht Oibre. Labour Party Constitution. Approved April, 2017.
- Alleanza Nazionale. Statutes of Alleanza Nazionale. Approved July, 1995.
- Democratici di Sinistra. Statuto dei Democratici di sinistra. Approved February, 2005.
- Democrazia è Libertà – La Margherita. Statuto Federale. Approved March, 2002 (last amended December, 2004).
- Forza Italia. Statuto di Forza Italia. Approved January, 1997. Forza Italia. Statuto di Forza Italia. Approved January, 2017.
- Partito Democratico. Statuto del Partito Democratico. Approved November, 2022.
- Jiyū Minshutō. The Constitution of the Liberal Democratic Party. Approved January, 1996 (last amended 2001).
- Jiyū Minshutō. The Constitution of the Liberal Democratic Party. Approved January, 2009.
- Minshutō. Democratic Convention. Approved April, 1998 (last amended December, 2004).
- Minshutō. Organizational Rules. Approved April, 1998 (last amended February, 2014).
- New Kōmeitō. Komeito Party Statutes. Approved September, 2020.
- Chrëschtlich Sozial Vollekspartei. CSV Chrëschtlich Sozial Vollekspartei, Statuten. Approved March, 2001.
- Chrëschtlich Sozial Vollekspartei. CSV Chrëschtlich Sozial Vollekspartei, Statuten. Approved June, 2022.
- Déi Gréng. Déi Gréng, Statuten. Approved October, 2004.
- Déi Gréng. Déi Gréng, Statuten. Approved March, 2022.
- Demokratesch Partei. Statuts Du Parti Democratique. Approved June, 2002.
- Demokratesch Partei. Statuts Du Parti Democratique. Approved April, 2021.
- Lëttzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei. Statuts. Approved March, 1991 (last amended March, 2002).
- Lëttzebuerger Sozialistesch Aarbechterpartei. Statuts. Approved November, 2021.
- Christen Democratisch Appèl. Statuten en huishoudelijk reglement. Approved November, 2003.
- Christen Democratisch Appèl. Statuten en huishoudelijk reglement. Approved May, 2008.
- Partij van de Arbeid. Statuten. Approved December, 2003.
- Partij van de Arbeid. Statuten En Huishoudelijk Reglementen PvdA. Approved January, 2012 (last amended 2016).
- Partij van de Arbeid. Statuten. Approved June, 2022. 186 pages.
- Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie. Statuten. Approved May, 1999 (last amended December, 2005).
New Zealand
- New Zealand Labour Party. New Zealand Labour Party, Constitution and Rules. Approved December, 2003.
- New Zealand Labour Party. New Zealand Labour Party, Constitution and Rules. Approved July, 2016. 157 pages.
- New Zealand Labour Party. New Zealand Labour Party, Constitution and Rules. Approved 2022. 122 pages.
- New Zealand National Party. Constitution and Rules of the New Zealand National Party. Approved May, 2003.
- New Zealand National Party. Constitution and Rules of the New Zealand National Party. Approved October, 2016.
- New Zealand National Party. Constitution and Rules of the New Zealand National Party. Approved October, 2022.
- Arbeiderparti. Statutes for the Norwegian Labour Party. Approved April, 2005.
- Arbeiderparti. Arbeiderpartiets vedtekter. Approved 2021.
- Fremskrittspartiet. Fremskrittspartiets vedtekter 2005. Approved 2005.
- Høyre. Lover For Høyre. Approved 1970 (last amended 2001).
- Høyre. Lover For Høyre. Approved January, 2016.
- Høyre. Lover For Høyre. Approved 2022.
- Partido Social Democrata. Estatutos do Partido Social Democrata Aprovados no XXIII Congresso Fev. de 2000. Approved February, 2000.
- Partido Social Democrata. Estatutos do Partido Social Democrata Aprovados no XXXIV Congresso. Approved March, 2012.
- Partido Socialista. Estatutos do Partido Socialista. Approved January, 2003.
- Partido Socialista. Estatutos do Partido Socialista. Approved January, 2015.
- Partido Socialista. Estatutos do Partido Socialista. Approved May, 2018.
- Partido Popular. Estatutos del Partido Popular. Approved October, 2004.
- Partido Popular. Estatutos Nacionales. Approved February, 2017.
- Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol. Estatutos y Reglamentos. Approved 2005.
- Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol. Estatutos. Approved October, 2021.
- Folkpartiet. Stadgar för folkpartiet liberalernas riksorganisation reviderade vid landsmötet 2003. Approved 2003.
- Folkpartiet. Partiets organisation och stadgar. Approved 2015.
- Moderata Samlingspartiet. Stadgar för moderaterna. Approved February, 2004.
- Moderata Samlingspartiet. Stadgar för moderaterna. Approved July, 2012.
- Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti. The Constitution of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. Approved 1997 (last amended 2001).
- Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti. Stadgar Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti. Approved 2013.
- Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti. The Constitution of the Swedish Social Democratic Party. Approved 2015.
- Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti. Stadgar för Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Arbetareparti. Approved November, 2021.
United Kingdom
- Conservative Party. Constitution of the Conservative Party. Approved February, 1998 (last amended July, 2002).
- Conservative Party. Constitution of the Conservative Party. Approved January, 2021.
- Labour Party. The Labour Party Rule Book 2006. Approved 2005.
- Labour Party. Labour Party Rule Book 2013. Approved 2013.
- Labour Party. Labour Party Rule Book 2020. Approved 2020.
- Liberal Democrats. The Constitutions of the Liberal Democrats. Approved March, 2004.
- Liberal Democrats. The Constitutions of the Liberal Democrats. Approved September, 2005.
- Liberal Democrats. The Federal Constitution of the Liberal Democrats. Approved September, 2016.